Constant Current (CC) Welder Partsing Machine - These Welder Partsing machines have limited maximum short circuit current. They have a negative volt-amp curve and are often referred to as "droopers".
Constant Voltage (CV), Constant Potential (CP) Welder Partsing Machine - This type of Welder Partsing machine output maintains a relatively stable, consistent voltage regardless of the amperage output. It results in a relatively flat volt-amp curve.
Constant-Speed Wire Feeder - Feeder operates from 24 or 115 VAC supplied by the Welder Partsing power source.
Cool-On-Demand™ (MTE) - Integrated cooler runs only when needed on Syncrowave® 250 DX & 350 LX.
Current - Another name for amperage. The amount of electricity flowing past a point in a conductor every second
Dig - Also called Arc Control. Gives a power source variable additional amperage during low voltage (short arc length) conditions while Welder Partsing. Helps avoid “sticking” Stick electrodes when a short arc length is used.
Defect - One or more discontinuities that cause a testing failure in a Welder Parts.
Direct Current (DC) - Flows in one direction and does not reverse its direction of flow as does alternating current.
Direct Current Electrode Positive (DCEP) - The direction of current flow through a Welder Partsing circuit when the electrode lead is connected to a positive terminal and the work lead is connected to a negative terminal to a DC Welder Partsing machine. Also called direct current, reverse polarity (DCRP).
Direct Current Electrode Negative (DCEN) - The direction of current flow through a Welder Partsing circuit when the electrode lead is connected to the negative terminal and the work lead is connected to the positive terminal of a DC Welder Partsing machine. Also called direct current, straight polarity (DCSP).
Dual Power Option™ (MTE) - Gives the option on the PipePro™ 304 engine drive to use 230 volt single- or three-phase electric input power, eliminating engine wear, noise and emissions, as well as fuel costs.
Duty Cycle - The number of minutes out of a 10-minute time period an arc Welder Partsing machine can be operated at maximum rated output. An example would be 60% duty cycle at 300 amps. This would mean that at 300 amps the Welder Partsing machine can be used for 6 minutes and then must be allowed to cool with the fan motor running for 4 minutes.
Engine Save Start™ (MTE) - Idles engine 3 - 4 seconds after starting on Trailblazer® 275 DC and 302. Extends engine life and reduces fuel consumption.
Fan-On-Demand™ (MTE) - Internal power source cooling system that only works when needed, keeping internal components cleaner.
FasTip™ Contact Tip (MTE) - Patented, single-turn for quick change - no tools needed!.
Fixed Automation - Automated, electronically controlled Welder Partsing system for simple, straight or circular Welder Partss.
Flexible Automation - Automated, robotically controlled Welder Partsing system for complex shapes and applications where Welder Partsing paths require torch-angle manipulation.
Flux Cored Arc Welder Partsing (FCAW) - An arc Welder Partsing process which melts and joins metals by heating them with an arc between a continuous, consumable electrode wire and the work. Shielding is obtained from a flux contained within the electrode core. Added shielding may or may not be provided from externally supplied gas or gas mixture.
Gas Metal Arc Welder Partsing (GMAW) - See MIG Welder Partsing.
Gas Tungsten Arc Welder Partsing (GTAW) - See TIG Welder Partsing.
Ground Connection - A safety connection from a Welder Partsing machine frame to the earth. See Workpiece Connection for the difference between work connection and ground connection.
Ground Lead - When referring to the connection from the Welder Partsing machine to the work, see preferred term Workpiece Lead.
Gun-On-Demand™ (MTE) - Allows you to use either a standard gun or a Spoolmatic® gun on Millermatic® 210, 251, and 350 without flipping a switch. The machine senses which gun you are using when you pull the trigger.
Hertz - Hertz is often referred to as "cycles per second". In the United States, the frequency or directional change of alternating current is usually 60 hertz.
High Frequency - Covers the entire frequency spectrum above 50,000 Hz. Used in TIG Welder Partsing for arc ignition and stabilization.
Hot Start™ (MTE) - Used on some Stick (SMAW) machines to make it easier to start difficult-to-start electrodes. Used for arc starting only.
Inverter - Power source which increases the frequency of the incoming primary power, thus providing for a smaller size machine and improved electrical characteristics for Welder Partsing, such as faster response time and more control for pulse Welder Partsing.
KVA (Kilovolt-amperes) - Kilovolt-amperes. The total volts times amps divided by 1,000, demanded by a Welder Partsing power source from the primary power furnished by the utility company.
KW (Kilowatts) - Primary KW is the actual power used by the power source when it is producing its rated output. Secondary KW is the actual power output of the Welder Partsing power source. Kilowatts are found by taking volts times amps divided by 1,000 and taking into account any power factor.
Lift-Arc™ (MTE) - This feature allows TIG arc starting without high frequency. Starts the arc at any amperage without contaminating the Welder Parts with tungsten.
Low OCV Stick™ (MTE) - Reduces OCV on several Maxstar® and Dynasty® models when power source is not in use eliminating need for add-on voltage reducers.
LVC™ (Line Voltage Compensation) (MTE) - Keeps the output of a power source constant, regardless of minor fluctuations in input power.
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