Welding Community pulse pounding header in the 21st century, future forecasts are generally optimistic, but a few gray clouds roam horizon. These sentiments were expressed by respondents in a recent survey of welding. To get the company to keep abreast of current and future peace of welding, the editors asked AWS stability of member companies, including manufacturers of various welded products, research and planning services and manufacturers of welding equipment, supplies and accessories. Welder Parts, Welder Miller Parts.
The editors would like to thank all those who took the time to put down their thoughts and ideas on paper. Responses were diverse, direct, first of all, very interesting. These questions and a summary of the answers are presented below.
Do you believe in the welding will be used more or less over the next decade? If there are, where you see growth? If less, why you think so?
Most respondents consider welding to stay and will be used more in the future, although many qualified their answers, and there were few voices of minorities.
Steve Sumner, director of marketing and product development, Lincoln Electric ", he said" yes "," Welding is used more in the future, because it was cost-effective way to join metals. "He went on to speculate that" the consumer market will continue to provide Welding growth opportunities ", with improvement retail infrastructure to support it becomes an" emerging markets ". One respondent believes that the industry cost competitive reasons will continue to replace the mechanical connection with the processes of semi-automatic and automatic docking, welding gives a clear boost. David Landon, corporate Welding Engineer, Vermeer Manufacturing Co, said: "Moreover, since welding is the most effective way to join materials for structural integrity. Growth will be alternative materials such as plastics, composite materials and new alloys. "Phil Plotica, executive vice president of sales and marketing in North America, ESAB Welding and Cutting Products, said:" Overall, I think growth will be welded with GNP growth. Specialize in certain sectors, such as aluminum, will grow faster than others, while developments in nonmetallic materials will slow down in certain sectors. "
The feeling that growth will be special areas is repeated many times. Areas mentioned included welding automation, welding GTA because of the growing need for new precision metal welding; GMA welding with a gas mixture of protection, industrial sheet metal construction industry, repair of infrastructure, transport, industry, marine structures, space and composition, especially the use of aluminum alloys.
Some believe increase will be mainly in emerging market economies, while growth in the United States will stand comparison. Terry O'Connell, V.P. Sales and Marketing, the group Genesis Systems, noted that "the U.S. market is flat to reduce welding. Growth is expected in Mexico and other developing countries. The lack of U.S. labor market will contribute to sustained economic growth and robotic welding." Joe Scott, president Devasco International, Inc, repeated the sentiment, "as the U.S. economy with low expectations, as well as the continued transition to a service / information economy. Outside the U.S., is expected to rise as an economic return of stability in the areas of concern and the need to expand their infrastructure."
Point of view of some, however, is the welding will be used less in the future. Chris Anderson, Product Manager at Motoman, Inc, opined, "there will be no less than welding the next decade. Number of welded products will remain the same, but the projects will be more effective to minimize the amount of welding."
That the overall business climate of your company next year? Do you expect an increase in business, or recession?
On this question the answer is positive with 70% indicating favorable conditions for doing business next year. Forecasts ranged from very strong growth and moderate. Companies mentioned in the order reserve and the need to expand their sales. One of the respondents projected 4-8% growth in business, while others referred to improving conditions in Asia, beneficial to their companies. Some, but not optimistic, said that the downturn in the oil industry, and the vehicle may, to the detriment of their business.
With the remaining respondents, 15% thought business would be flat, and 15% confidence expected to decline.
What is the process of welding (ES), which will see increased use will decline in use over the next decade?
There were many speculations about the processes that will be used more in the future, but almost unanimously selected the restore process was protected by a metal arc welding (SMAW). Few appreciated the reduction of gas arc (wire) and gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW).
A significant group considered a continuous process wire (FCAW, wire) was an attempt to use more. GTAW process was observed by the majority. One of his stated reasons for the increase was "the need for high quality work on thin materials."
Don Connell, Welding Engineer, Detroit Edison, said that "this process can be automated will grow." Landon and perspectives that, "The wire will grow with automation." But he also predicted, "Low locomotive manufacturing processes will increase." The idea of greater use of automation at the expense of semi-automatic operation is repeated.
Laser beam welding process was noted for future growth, and friction stir welding process, specializing in the use of expanded focus. Other processes have been mentioned more widespread use of resistance welding, plasma welding and welding capacitor discharge.
You anticipate a shortage of skilled welders in your business during 1999, and in the next decade?
Without a doubt, most of these responses is not enough now and will not be deficits in the future. The distribution was 72% consider the situation problematic long-term now, 14% see no shortage of the remaining 14% see no shortage now, but expect one in the future or to see shortages in 1999, but not for the future.
John Emmerson, president Magnatech Limited Partnership, made a characteristic of those who sees the problem of exceptional importance, "there is a shortage of skilled welders in the world, and it's only getting worse as each passing year. Although that is used for welding in virtually every industry, it seems almost ignored by the production of science. Connecticut [State space for Magnatech], for example, refused to welding hook classes in 1997. In addition, the dynamics of populations in recent years, the United States, Europe and Japan show that in the next decade will see a much fewer young people entering the labor market. That in itself would be less than the welders. "
Plotica ESAB was to assume a similar situation, "not enough skilled welders in most major areas of the market, and this shortage will worsen unless significant programs implemented to facilitate the welding of an attractive career for young people."
Landon Vermeer Manufacturing, said: "We had a shortage over the next five years. I do not see any rotation, and we do not see a turn to the creation of welding allows for a real career path. Immediately to meet our requirements, the company developed its own training program for welders. Company engaged in active programs, which make even the teachers of colleges and secondary schools in the area know about welding as a viable career. "
Connell, Detroit Edison, does not see a pressing issue, as it encourages, said: "There is heightened interest in the welding program David brings a good flow of people. I do not expect a deficit in 1999." Another respondent took the opposite, noting a shortage of skilled welders in 1999, but demand is leveling design for the next decade.
Julio Villafuerte, director of research and development, Tregaskiss, was a little different perspective. "The need for skilled welders with simple and slightly reduces the slowing of manual welding. However, it is necessary for welding engineers will rise sharply as welding automation becomes more prominent."
Where do you see the use of welding automation in the title?
If there's one thing to the bank in the future is the increasing use of automated welding. Was positive and the vast majority of our respondents this time, although he was not completely universal. The prospect of the few who sees the increased use can be an expression of their special effects industry. Structural steel producer referred to the difficulties of automation for welded structures that do not have a high degree of reproducibility and changes in joint fitup geometry. The other person feels automation does not replace user operations of welding equipment if the equipment is designed to be fast, safe and economical.
But most significantly like Emmerson Magnetech which stated: "We're seeing more and more companies of all sizes and automation were made by hand. Many of them at first glance, the use of automation, as well as reducing the number of skilled welders will continue this trend." The absence or numerical Rising, skilled welders often mentioned as a reason for increased automation.
Philip Winslow, V.P. Sales and Marketing, said, Hypertherm, Inc, is another reason often stated that "the use will increase, mainly due to the consistency it provides welding and cutting, especially with CNC (computer numerical control computer), and robotics-controlled processes." Sumner Lincoln was firm in his assessment, "Automation is the most important growth sector in welding. Drive to increase productivity and reduce costs will continue to automate the front." Other reasons for increased use of automation enabled security efforts to remove the solder from the tedious, repetitive conditions and long-term exposure to vapors.
Chip Cable, President, Bug-O-system, isolated and trucks shipbuilding and railway industries experience growth in areas such as industrial automation. Fabricator of offshore structures have to automate the heavy task of tubular joints, process piping plate beams. Small companies and shops have to work at least try to robotics and CNC.
What areas of welding, we need more knowledge?
This question, more than anything in a survey, it seems a real hardship for some respondents. Fully one-fifth or wrote "no opinion" or "no comment" or just left it unanswered. And the answers received, with no clear consensus opinion was released. However, the following issues were mentioned by some respondents:
* Safety and Health. Industry needs more knowledge and awareness about the dangers of welding, according to respondents.
* Welding of new brands of high-strength steels, alloy steels of high heat treatment of steels. As one respondent said, should "save" how to "information with the growth of new welding alloys, which are becoming more difficult to weld. "
* Automation. Respondents mentioned a variety of issues related to automation. These included training in computer and automation, a summary of automation and the need to create standard platforms for welding equipment, robot controllers, automation equipment and peripherals to other probes.
* Foundations. Although you may think we know everything there is to know about the most common welding processes and materials, it is simply not the case, according to respondents. The industry needs "a more practical application of data on welding," said Anderson, Motoman. "While universities and colleges are doing basic research, they can not tell you the best process and the maximum speed for welding 1Ž4. Fillets on."
Villafuerte * Tregaskiss summed up feelings of the respondents said: "We should be able to pass on their knowledge of welding current floor plant more skilled and knowledge necessary .."
What are the strengths of the welding industry? What are the weaknesses?
Although our respondents listed many of the strengths and weaknesses, and the welding industry, Plotica from ESAB, perhaps best summed up the two most widely held view. The strength of the industry, he said: "We are well established, mature industry with a solid reputation and achievements of the process." As for weaknesses, "We are not attracting enough young people in a welding career," said Plotica. "Welding is still regarded by many as a crude and dirty."
While many see the maturity of the industry - welded components reputation of a reliable and economical obligations in the industry research and development and dedication of its workforce - as signs of strength, almost as many others saw it as weakness. They believe that the industry should be slow to change its ways. According to one respondent, the power industry is that people who are "slow to change, with a show me attitude." On the other side of the coin, he said, "weakness is that they have been reluctant to change, even if you show them." And although the number of respondents rated the commitment of industry research and development, others have argued that it was too esoteric and takes too long to move from research at the plant floor.
Thomas S. Conard, president of Alexander Binzel Corp, had another take on the weaknesses in the industry. He said welding is not a separate industry in itself, but makes the part of many other industries. Value could be here, that there is no clear direction of welding picture.
What business improvements for the next ten years will be in the interests of your company?
As expected, it was almost as different answers to this question respondents. They range from broad-based desire, such as a desire to grow in any use of metallic materials, a narrow focus, such as searching for the wider use of e-commerce and supply chain management. More skilled workers, improved methods of communication, design and manufacturability reduces the time required for new products to market as mentioned above all the interests of companies. Several people called for greater automation.
Some respondents said the changing role of the state in terms of their actions will improve their businesses. This can happen when you use less government involvement or through things such as import restrictions, environmental laws, probably will not increase the cost of doing business, tort reform, product liability and low taxes.
"We spend a huge percentage of our revenues on research and development," said Emmerson of Magnatech. "Extension of tax breaks for small company R & D would be helpful. We note that several Canadian provinces are very aggressive in the development of technological innovation and growth of small businesses, and allow almost all R & D expenditure should be debited to the revenue. I think it will be explosion of new development and growth of the company, if all the state government undertook similar programs are tax credit. "
What should be done in future to keep the welding industry is healthy?
More than 50% of respondents believe that improving the image of welding and outstanding students will be drawn in improving methods for industrial preparation of Engineers for welding and welding machines are key to the future of welding.
We need to "completely change the public education system in the U.S. to accept trades acceptable alternative for students," according to Connell Detroit Edison. He repeated the view of David Yapp, group leader, arc welding automation, Edison Welding Institute, who said that the need for "radical changes in education at all levels." He added, however, "It can not happen without leadership and commitment."
In fact, respondents have touched a wide range of aspects related to training - all with an eye on the future of welding. . Opinion Jackie Morris, Director of Quality Bender Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Co., Ltd., the level of cooperation between producers and schools should be improved so requires manufacturers to meet O'Connell Genesis, "said the welding industry must do two things:" To increase usability, technical training and progress with the help of technology, "and" concentrate on making welding of low cost, best performance of the material is chosen to join. "For the weaknesses of the issue of welding, said Anderson" is not often applied science, which leads weldments overdesigned Process parameters are optimized. "Anderson again touched on the answer to the above when he said we should" continue to train students for the basics of the process and how to implement it. (Us) to teach the economics of welding to designers so they understand the cost of the welder. "
Respondents also noted the increase in salaries for welders, stay for the health and the environment more practical research and development, methods of welding industry can help themselves stay healthy.
Are you optimistic or pessimistic about the future of your industry?
Throughout the respondents said they were optimistic about the future of their industry. In fact, 92% of respondents indicated that they were at least cautiously optimistic about the future. One respondent summed up his reasons this way: "Metallic will be around for a long time and they should be united."
Much the same opinion was held by Sumner Lincoln. "I'm optimistic," he said. "Although we are mainly related steel industry, which saw a slight decrease, we still have much to learn about welding and facilitate the process of joining metals. I think the welding industry products and services provider will continue to be in demand around the world."
Paul D. Cunningham, president Weldsale, said he hoped that advances in technology through online programs will enhance the productivity of the U.S. "Winslow of Hypertherm expects a bright future:" If we can improve our understanding of customer needs in the world, have We have a plan for unlimited growth. "
However, some respondents, as Thomas A. Ferri, welding specialist with Airgas, expressed his optimism, adding a word of caution. Ferro said that he was "optimistic until we know that our industry needs some changes." Morris Bender said he "hoped that the shipbuilding and repair professional audio with a growing market;. Pessimistic that environmental constraints are increasing operating costs and lower profits should be better dialogue between industry and the private sector."
In 1990, the trend was for a company buyout and merger. You see that trend continue, and it's great for your industry?
Not all respondents answered the question above two parts. Responses received, three times of many of the respondents believed that the tendency to buy the company and the merger will proceed. Some, however, noted that the pace will be slower than in the early 1990's. In addition, slowing down, "some countermeasures, ie, elimination, may also begin to occur," according Plotica. "In most cases, mergers and acquisitions were healthy by providing resources and opportunities for the growth of small and medium-sized businesses that could not be otherwise." In order for this positive trend, the majority of respondents agreed with Plotica. In fact, three times as many respondents noted that it is a healthy trend as compared with those who believe that it is not good for the industry. "Everything about the acquisition and merger of victims of the winners," one respondent. "It also creates opportunities. Ultimately, industry is doing to become more efficient, and healthy."
It seems, however, that respondents who work in the welding equipment and consumer goods manufacturers and end users are likely to believe negative trend. Welding industry is decreasing every year, "wrote one respondent. Another said: "Who's left to buy without creating an antitrust problem of monopoly?
Langdon Vermeer presented the case for both sides. On the positive side, Langdon said: "Large companies have more resources for research and development. In addition, the current mergers greater purchasing power, in some cases, trusts manufacturers. Some of the redemption that we see, especially in the rental equipment can be a real benefit for our company. " On the negative side, "less competition," he said.
Noting that "mergers and acquisitions can have very positive benefits for industry and consumers," Emmerson also put a word of caution. "To use a phrase overwhelmed," he said: "If there is no" synergy "between the group of companies, because they relate to the welding industry, the risk that the performance of small, newly acquired companies will suffer as their owners leave and strong and fills the space" .
Sumner expressed the view of several respondents when he said: "I believe that this contributed to the consolidation of the industry healthy environment with a more focused competition among major manufacturers. Competition is good for all of us to help move the industry forward and provide customer solutions."
Since time machines still exist only in the stories of HG Wells and other works of science fiction, no one can tell us exactly how to weld will evolve in the 21 st century. However, people who responded to the survey represent a cross section of Welding Journal manufacturers of welded products and the manufacturers of welding equipment and related products. Together they offer a wide range of experience and knowledge. Answer the questions individually, their cities, they are still an emerging consensus. They agree the future looks promising for welding. He is and will remain an effective method to produce cost-effective. However, steps to take to bring more skilled workers in industry, or changes must be made to accommodate the lack of qualified personnel (eg, automation of the welding). They also noted the welding industry must take all the modern technology tools to keep pace with the rest of the world.

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Welder Forges
Posted on Sunday, December 26, 2010
by HussainGardezi
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